Aqua Planet : Outing Plan 2023


This is plan for the company outing to get together and relax. 

Ticket for Adult = 1,280 pesos (as of 2023)

  1. Ced
  2. KM
  3. Crispin
  4. Merly 
  5. Lot
  6. Marlon
  7. Alan
  8.  RJ (Slot)
  9. Ana (Slot)

  1.  Angel (Student)
  2.  RJ (Student)
  3. (Student)

Ticket Total = 11,520

Transport Bulacan to Pampanga = 4,500


Assembly Alka-Holic :  7:45 AM
Van Pickup (Alka & Brooklyn) : 8:00 AM 
Morning Eat : 9:30 - 10:00 AM
Aqua Planet Open : 10:00 AM
Lunch Food Inside : 1:00 PM
Aqua Planet Close : 5:00 PM
Dinner before go home (near Restaurant) 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Option A: Bariotik eat all you can
Option B: Holidayland Unli Buffet Restaurant

Mas Bago Mas luma